Warrior Wednesday
Hudson, 3mths
Hudson was prenatally diagnosed with HLHS with restricted atrial septum he was born at 39 weeks and has been fighting ever since. He had to immediately be taken from birth to cath lab where a stent was placed. Days later he underwent his first open heart surgery, the hybrid procedure. Since then Hudson has had a lot of ups and downs. He has been back to the cath lab two more times for two more stent placements. The doctors stated that it was the longest stent ever placed there. The third cath lab visit Hudson suffered a stroke and had multiple seizures. They then told us we would go home after he recovered from that. Things were great for about a week and he began to get very sick again and they have had him on prostins for about two months and talked about transplant. We got a lot of second opinions where they said they would do a Norwood on Hudson. We will be moving to another hospital hopefully next week where they will intervene and help him to be in a better spot. He continues to amaze me with every turn.
Charging the Storm
He has over come every obstacle. He continues to be so happy every day even on the hardest day we still get a smile and be the happiest baby.
Want to be a part of Warrior Wednesday?
Fill out and submit the form below! Each warrior who is featured receives a buffalo bead to add to their beads of courage along with a gift card. All heart warriors and heart angels are welcome!
Once your form is submitted, please email 2-3 pictures to [email protected] with the name of your child as the subject line.