Warrior Wednesday

Berkleigh, Forever 15 days old
Heterotaxy, dextrocardia, complete AV canal with moderate AV canal regurgitation, D-TGA
Berkleigh will forever be a 15 day old. She was born at 39 weeks and rushed to CICU to get her PA band surgery to restrict some blood flow to her lungs so we could prolong her big heart surgery. She was doing amazing for 5 days, then on day 5 she contracted NEC which put a huge strain on her heart and body. Which then caused her to go into cardiac arrest at 5 days old. They were able to resuscitate her and put her on ECMO to give her heart some rest. On day 15 they were going to try to decannulate her so she could get her heart surgery but she suffered a stroke which cause multiple brain bleeds and with her heart condition she couldn’t recover. She never got to have her heart surgery but in my eyes she will forever be a heart warrior.
Charging the Storm
She suffered a very complex heart condition along with heterotaxy syndrome. She pulled through the longest she could and has changed many lives.

Want to be a part of Warrior Wednesday?
Fill out and submit the form below! Each warrior who is featured receives a buffalo bead to add to their beads of courage along with a gift card. All heart warriors and heart angels are welcome!
Once your form is submitted, please email 2-3 pictures to [email protected] with the name of your child as the subject line.