Warrior Wednesday

Eastyn, 10mths


Eastyn is a twin b/g and no CHD’s were detected before his birth. It was after he was born that only his VSD was caught. 3 days before he was supposed to see a cardiologist at 3.5 weeks old he went into cardiogenic shock and was transported by ambulance to a local hospital where they saved his life with an intraosseous vascular access where they were able to stabalize him and transport him via life flight to Primary Children’s in SLC, UT. Upon arrival it was determined that Eastyn had severe Ebstein’s anomaly. Due to lack of oxygen and severe swelling he underwent an exploratory laparotomy to check for NEC in his gut. Thankfully nothing was found and they closed him up. He did suffer an acute kidney injury. A few days later he underwent his first open heart surgery to place a band on his pulmonary artery. He was inpatient for 23 days and got sent home on the daily monitoring interstage program. At 6 months old he went back to the hospital for another open heart surgery the Glenn. A few days after surgery he contracted HMPV and spent 18 days inpatient on BiPAP. His doctors at Primary’s determined he is a single ventricle case and do not believe he would be a candidate for any fix possible, therefore planning for the Fontan next and a heart transplant after. We have reached out to the surgeons that specialize in his disease and thankfully they are hopeful that the cone procedure can be done to hopefully fix his tricuspid valve. This would be done when he is 18-24 months old. If successful, it should be our “fix”. If not he will continue along the single ventricle path .

Charging the Storm

He has handled everything that comes his way with such grace and bravery. I’ve never seen a baby so calm and strong while enduring the worst moments of their life. He’s always got a smile on his face and is always laughing. He’s been a trooper through it all and continues to put up the good fight. He has also taught us all so many lessons in life, patience, bravery, resilience, and empathy.

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