Warrior Wednesday

Jose, 3yrs old

VSD, Aortic Valve Leakage , Mutual Valve Watch

He’s a big brother to our other heart warrior. We found out he had a VSD on March 27, 2021. The day he was born we were new to being heart parents the first time. He was also our first boy so we didn’t know anything about heart check ups every 6 months or ultrasounds and ekgs. We thought we had a perfect baby but God had other plans for us as we are now parents of two heart babies.

Charging the Storm

He hasn’t had surgery yet but it is possible in future. Currently he’s growing and eating well and we hope everything continues to go smoothly. He’s all smiles and he has a lot of energy.

Want to be a part of Warrior Wednesday?

Fill out and submit the form below! Each warrior who is featured receives a buffalo bead to add to their beads of courage along with a gift card. All heart warriors and heart angels are welcome!

Once your form is submitted, please email 2-3 pictures to [email protected] with the name of your child as the subject line.